App Registration in the Azure Portal

To create an app registration in Azure portal you need to follow the below steps

Step 1: Go to Azure portal

Step 2: Now go to App registration as shown below

App registration
App registration

Step 3: Now you will see a screen as shown below

App Registrations
App Registrations

Step 4: Now click on top left corner “New registration”, a new page will open as below, give a name and click on Register

Register an application
Register an application

Step 5: Now app is created as shown below, you will see a screen like below, note Client id and Tenant id for future use

App registration overview
App registration overview

Step 6: Now go to Certificates and secrets in Manage as shown below.

Certificate and secret
Certificate and secret

Step 7: Now click on “‘New client secret”‘, a new window will open as shown below

Add a client secret
Add a client secret

Step 8: Now select a secret name and expury date of that secret. Then click add. Now you will see value of secret, copy and save it ASAP as it will be visible only once. You can see the screen below.

Secret added
Secret added

App registration is done, now you have

  1. Client ID
  2. Tenant ID
  3. Secret

You can also check out my previous blog on securing D365 Dev server: Secure your Dynamics 365 DEV server

Need help? Connect Atul

Atul Yadav
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