Create a custom service in d365 FO

In this article, we will see how to Create a custom service in d365 FO

Custom service endpoint overview:

You can Create a custom service in d365 FO. When we write a custom service under a service group, the service group is always deployed on 2 endpoints:

1. SOAP endpoint to Create a custom service in d365 FO

Example endpoint for a dev environment:

Example endpoint for a non-dev environment:


2. JSON endpoint to Create a custom service in d365 FO

Example endpoint for a dev/Non dev environment


Now we will see how to create a custom service in d365 FO:

To create a custom service in d365 FO we will create 3 classes and 1 AOT service and 1 AOT service group,

1. Request class – In this class we will define the structure of request payload.

2. Response class – In this class we will define the response structure.

3. Service class – In this class we will write the logic.

4. Service – This is an AOT element where we will put the Service class name and method name.

5. Service Group – This is also an AOT element where we will put AOT service.

Request Class:

/// <summary>
/// DC Request is request contract class for DC Service
/// </summary>
class DCRequest
    private str salesId;

    /// <summary>
    /// parmsalesId is a parm method to get request of the sales order id in request of DC Service
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name = "_value">Sales order id</param>
    /// <returns>Sales order id</returns>
    public str parmsalesId(str _value = salesId)
        if (!prmIsDefault(_value))
            salesId = _value;
        return salesId;


Response Class:

/// <summary>
/// DC Response is response contract class for DC Service
/// </summary>
class DCResponse
    private str custAccount;

    /// <summary>
    /// parmcustAccount is a parm method to return the customer account in reponse of DC Service
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name = "_value">Customer account</param>
    /// <returns>Customer account</returns>
    public str parmcustAccount(str _value = custAccount)
        if (!prmIsDefault(_value))
            custAccount = _value;

        return custAccount;


Service Class:

using Microsoft.DynamicsOnline.Infrastructure.Components.SharedServiceUnitStorage;
using System.IO;
/// <summary>
/// DCService is a class for custom service which will be used in AOT Service
/// </summary>
public class DCService
    /// <summary>
    /// Create method for getting the customer account from sales order
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name = "_request">Request class to get the sales Id</param>
    /// <returns>Return class to send the customer Id in response</returns>
    public DCResponse create(DCRequest _request)
        salestable  salestableLocal;
        SalesId     salesIdLocal = _request.parmsalesId();
        var         response     = new DCResponse();
        select firstonly crosscompany CustAccount from salestableLocal
            where salestableLocal.SalesId == salesIdLocal;
        response.parmcustAccount(strFmt("Customer account for sales id %1 is %2",_request.parmsalesId(),salestableLocal.CustAccount));
        return response;


Once all the classes are created, now create a service, in my case I have named it as DCService

Now put the class property as DCService and Description as DCService and external name as DCService, as shown below


Now create a new service operation and fill in the method and name as shown below, in my case service operation name is ‘create’ and method is ‘create’

Service operation
Service operation

Now create a service group and make the auto deploy property as Yes,

Service group
Service group

Now create a service in the service group and put the name as DCService and Service as DCService.

Service group service
Service group service

Once all this is done just build and synchronize the project area.

Now we will setup postman to call d365 custom service :

Before opening postman, we need to do app registration and take Application (client) ID, Client secrets, and Tenant ID.

Register App in Azure portal:

Open the Azure portal Link, click on Microsoft Entra ID as shown below

Microsoft Entra ID
Microsoft Entra ID

Now open App registration, as shown below

App registration
App registration

Now create a new App and note down the client ID, Tenant ID, and Client Secret. Once all done.

Make sure to add this client ID reference in the D365 as shown below

Microsoft Entra ID applications
Microsoft Entra ID applications

Once you have all the required data, now open Postman, you will see a screen like the one below

Postman Homescreen
Postman Homescreen

Click on New to create a new request, select HTTP as shown below

Postman New HTTP request
Postman New HTTP request

A new request will open in the URL

Postman New request
Postman New request

Now fill in the data as shown in the below screenshot to setup postman to call D365 custom service

Postman authorization
Postman authorization

In the above screenshot

1. Tenant Id
2. Client Id
3. Client secret
4. Environment URL
5. access_token

Once all the first four fields are filled just click on Send and you will get the response, and in the response you will get the access token.

Now create a new request and in the URL put in the below URL

and in the Authorization tab, put in the auth type as Bearer Token, and in the value field put in the token generated in the previous request

D365 Custom service setup in postman
D365 Custom service setup in postman

1. Request URL
2. access_token

Now go to the Body Tab and pass the below payload and click send

	"_request" :
		"salesId": "SO10-000000001"
Postman custom service in D365
Postman custom service in D365

As you can see in the above picture, response is

    "$id": "1",
    "custAccount": "Customer account for sales id SO10-000000001 is 1000074"

The above example was about how to Create a custom service in d365 FO, as per the requirement you can add more parameters and exceptional handling as well, and send the response accordingly.

You can also see another way of Integration in D365: Setup postman to call D365 data entities

Need help? Connect Atul

Atul Yadav
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  1. Hamza

    great work …
    please share blog about multiple lists in contract class

    • Thank you Hamza. I will be sharing a post soon on Custom service in d365 FO with multiple lists.

  2. ARPAN

    Thanks Atul for the nice blog.

    I have few queries —
    suppose the api – https://URL/api/services/service_group_name/service_name/operation_name

    for example —
    is worked perfectly and return the response correct in postman as you mentioned in the blogs.

    My query is —
    1. can i share the above API to the 3rd party application?
    2. if yes, then what are the approaches to send the API to 3rd party.
    3. how they will consume it.
    4. If in the 3rd party application, if they use CRUD operation on the shared API. How it will impact on D365FO

    Kindly elaborate please.

    thanks in advance!

    • Thank you for the kind words! I’m glad you liked it.

      Regarding your queries,
      1. Yes
      2. Create a Postman collection export it and share it with 3rd party that is the best way.
      3. Depends on which language they are using.
      4. If they perform CRUD operations, it will execute in D365.(If you are using OData entity CRUD operations)
      Please find OData link for your reference –

  3. Arpan

    Thanks, Atul for the response.

    Point no 2 – Kindly share me the link for the postman collection and export process.

    thanks in advance!

  4. Swami

    Hi, I am getting this error even though I have used correct Token
    “Message”: “Authentication failed.”,
    “StackTrace”: null,
    “ExceptionType”: “System.InvalidOperationException”
    What are the possible errors

    • Roy

      Hello Swami, were you able to solve it? I’m getting the same error

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